The Grande Anello dei Borghi Ascolani hiking itinerary was created during the 2020 lockdown period, thanks to the intuition of the guides of the Le Marche Experience association, who are specialized in experiential tourism and are responsible tourism planners for the Marche region. Through the support of the Marche Region and the City of Ascoli Piceno, signposts and markings are being installed, which will allow hikers to follow the trails on their own. A trend towards slow tourism, re-discovering the lesser-known areas of the country, and the desire for outdoor activities is a phenomenon that has been constantly growing in recent years.

The Grande Anello dei Borghi Ascolani project interprets these changes and takes full advantage of the potential of the capital city of the region – Ascoli Piceno – as the starting and end point of a 100 km (62 mi.) hiking itinerary through history and nature, joining the city with the historic hamlets and villages of the hinterland and enhancing the most significant areas of the territory from a historical, artistic, and naturalistic viewpoint. The loop is divided into 7 stages, with an average length of 15 km (9.32 mi.) each.

Almost 80% of the itinerary includes historical trails, mule tracks, and secondary roads, which offer enchanting views and fascinating landscapes. The project also targets cyclers and mountain bikers, who can choose the itinerary that best suits their needs, thanks to special variants.
Along the way, hikers can take advantage of accommodations and refreshment points in quaint and welcoming hospitality structures (B&Bs, hostels, holiday farmhouses, and holiday homes).
The real “mission” of the project is that of offering a valuable experience to active tourists who pursue their own well-being out in the open air, immersed within the history of the places visited through a direct relationship with the locals, contributing to the revival of the economy of the territory.
La Regione Marche, il Comune di Ascoli Piceno e gli altri Enti interessati hanno accolto positivamente il progetto: grazie al loro sostegno si sta procedendo alla realizzazione della segnaletica verticale e orizzontale che permetterà al viaggiatore di percorrere l’itinerario in autonomia.

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